
CarbonSwap Omnibridge

The what bridge?

The Omnibridge is a multi-token extension of the Arbitrary Message Bridge allowing to transfer ERC-tokens in both directions between the Ethereum Mainnet and Energy Web Chain. It is a lock-mint/burn-unlock bridge, ensuring a 1:1 peg of tokens on both sides.

There are tokens that have their original home on either EWC or Mainnet. The bridge allows them to be used on other chains without them losing any value.

Kudos to the Poanetwork/xDAI team for making this awesome tech open source.

How to use it

The original documentation is valid

Technical details

Home chain: Energy Web Chain Foreign chain: Ethereum Mainnet

Recognized tokens list

See the Get listed section


Ethereum Mainnet - > Energy Web Chain = 0.01% Energy Web Chain - > Ethereum Mainnet = 0.1%

Last updated